Company government structure

Our company is auditor settling company and consist of 5 board members and 1 auditor.
(As of Jun 30th, 2022)
Auditor implements management supervisory function by attanding borad member's meeting, etc.
Current borad member meeting (as of Jun 30th, 2022) is consist of 5 board members and
held once in a month in principle, and deliberating, deciding based on important matter
containing "Relating company managing regulation" of Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. of Major
Shareholder, and supervising conductof affairs of board member.
Management conference is discussing, deciding about debating matter containing debating issue to borard member meeting by " Managing meeting regulation, and intending to support decision making of president.
Our company is submitting improvement proposed scheme to auditing department of
Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. about improvement matter found on auditing based on auditing
department of Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. of yearly auditing schedule.
Our company is organizing sutructurer to observe "Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. code of behavior"
and "Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd. exective code of conduct" based on "corporate governance
guideline" of Nagano Keiki Co., Ltd.

Auditor auditing situation

 Auditor auditing is auditing comply with necessarily and term end auditing.
To indicate our company's organization relation is as below.

Corporate Governance